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東京、代官山から新しいカルチャーを発信しているイベントスペース"M daikanyama"の専属カメラマンであり、2011年からは、ELLEのティーン向け雑誌「ELLE girl」主催のELLE girl Nightの専属カメラマンとしても活動を始めた。個展やグループ展、アートイベントなどを積極的にオーガナイズ、自身も作家として参加をしながら、数々の作品を発表し続けている。

また、2012年、念願のNYはダンボ地区で個展を開く。NYを拠点におくアートエージェンシーzank&mars LLCにも所属中。

URRY (May 31, 1989) is a freelance photographer in Tokyo. She has been working as an exclusive photographer at "M daikanyama", an event space in Tokyo where all the new culture gather. Also, she has worked with RedBull Japan, BMX tournaments and so on. Since 2011, she has been chosen as an exclusive photographer for ELLE girl, and pictures that she takes at parties hosted by ELLE girl are always cause a stir. 

On the other hand, Yuri Ishizaki hosts and participates in many photo and art exhibitions focusing on the theme “NOIR”. She has been praised as a photographer who can project one’s feelings into a picture.Some of her works were featured in the Korean art culture magazine “Eloquence Magazine” along with her interview in summer 2011.In Winter 2011, she also took a part in forming TOKYO PHOTO SOCIETY, A group of very well recognized photographers in Japan including Robert Adachi and Osamu Moriya. She plans to continue participating in group exhibitions in Japan

Selected Exhibitions

2008 Aug. "1/8=1/2" Yotsuya, Tokyo

2009 Aug. "スクリーン (Screen)" Yotsuya, Tokyo

2010 Jan. "東京銀塩倶楽部第一期生修了展示(Tokyo Ginen Club)" Ikebukuro, Tokyo

2010 Mar. "東京銀塩倶楽部第一期生~第三期生修了合同展示(Tokyo Ginen Club)" Ikebukuro, Tokyo

2010 Sep. "The First Day" Daikanyama, Tokyo

2011 May "LIVE&LET LIVE,WHEREVER I AM" Daikanyama, Tokyo

2011 June "Full moon" Daikanyama, Tokyo

2011 June "FROM vol.1" Daikanyama, Tokyo

2011 Sep. "Flat World" Yokohama, Kanagawa

2011 Dec. "Tokyo Photo Society Opening Exhibition" Yokohama, Kanagawa

2011 Dec. "4th 100artists Exhibition 'LOVE'" NYC, NY


近年ではRed Bull Art of motionや、BMX flatlandの23歳以下選手日本一を決める大会、UNDER-23など。
普段はイベントスペース"M daikanyama"や、ELLE girl主催の"ELLE girl Night"の専属カメラマンとして活動。

"TOKYO PHOTO SOCIETY"に初期メンバーとして参加。



ニューヨークのアートエージェンシー"ZANK AND MARS LLC"に所属が決定、ブルックリンDUMBO地区にて海外では初めての個展を開催。

URRY is a freelance photographer in Tokyo. She has been praised as a photographer who can project one's feelings into a picture. She hosts and participates in many photo and art exhibitions focusing on the theme "NOIR." In winter 2011, she also took a part in forming TOKYO PHOTO SOCIETY, a group of well recognized photographers in Japan that includes Robert Adachi and Osamu Moriya. She plans to continue participating in group exhibitions in Japan. Apart from that, she has been working as an exclusive photographer at "M Daikanyama," an event space in Tokyo where new culture gathers. Ishizaki has worked for Red Bull Japan, BMX tournaments and so on. Since 2011, she has been working as an exclusive photographer for ELLE girl, and the pictures that she takes at parties hosted by ELLE girl always cause a stir.
